Step 1. Setting up the environment

Setup a password-less SSH key(optional)

This step is optional. Rally needs root privilege for installing OVS on farm node, it’s convenient to use a password-less SSH key to login as root and avoid type your password in config file.

  1. Generate a password-less ssh key on rally node
$ ssh-kengen  # just hit enter when ask for password
  1. Copy the generated to all of other nodes, e.g:
$ ssh [username]@[hostname]
$ sudo mkdir /root/.ssh
$ sudo scp [username]@[rally-node]:/path/to/ /root/.ssh
$ sudo cat .ssh/ >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

3. Check if the password-less SSH key is setup properly, try ssh connect to other nodes from rally node:

$ ssh [username]@[hostname]

If success, you will get a bash prompt directly without password prompt

Create a deployment in Rally

You have to provide OVN Scale Test with a deployment it is going to run task. You can put the information about your hosts into a JSON configuration file, then rally-ovs is used to deploy a ovn controller node and one or more farm nodes.

Following config file creates a deployment with:

  • one OVN controller node, runs an ovn-northd, a northbound ovsdb-serverand and a southbound ovsdb-server.
  • two OVN sandbox farm node, runs ovs-sandboxes(each ovs-sandbox simulates one HV, consists of an ovn-controller, an ovs-vswitchd, and an ovsdb-server).


  • Replace ‘username’ with a suitable username
  • “controller_cidr” is a private address, ovn controller node’s ovsdb-server will listen on this ip. The IP address will be added to “net_dev” as a IP alias.
  • With config file, one ovn controller node and two farm nodes will be deployed.

Run rally-ovs to create the deployment:

$ . ~/rally/bin/activate
$ rally-ovs deployment create --file ovn-scalability-test/deployments/ovn-multihost.json --name ovn-multihost
| uuid                                 | created_at                 | name          | status           | active |
| 320115a1-0613-47a5-91f3-fc0a29a86e64 | 2016-04-12 12:47:54.144207 | ovn-multihost | deploy->finished |        |
Using deployment: 320115a1-0613-47a5-91f3-fc0a29a86e64

After this command executed successfully, the ovn controller node has an running ovn-northd, northbound ovsdb-serverand and southbound ovsdb-server now, but the two farm nodes have no ovs-sandboxes running on them, you need use task command to create ovs-sandboxes.

Notes: the command used here is rally-ovs, not rally

Run rally-ovs deployment with option --help to have a list of all available options:

$ rally-ovs deployment --help
usage: rally-ovs deployment [-h] {config,create,destroy,list,recreate,use} ...
Set of commands that allow you to manage ovs deployments.
   config     Display configuration of the deployment.
   create     Create new deployment.
   destroy    Destroy existing deployment.
   list       List existing deployments.
   recreate   Destroy and create an existing deployment.
   use        Set active deployment.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Create ovs-sandboxes on farm nodes

Now that we have a working and registered deployment, we can create ovs-sandboxes to simulate HVs. Let’s create some ovs-sandboxes on farm node 0 as a example

To start a Rally task, run the task start command:

$ rally-ovs task start samples/tasks/scenarios/ovn-sandbox/create_sandbox.json
 Preparing input task

Input task is:
<Your task config here>
Task config is valid :)
 Task  41dd9197-6c74-4b74-a081-58b866b40de0: started
Benchmarking... This can take a while...

Task 41dd9197-6c74-4b74-a081-58b866b40de0: finished

test scenario OvnSandbox.create_sandbox
args position 0

|                                    Response Times (sec)                                     |
| action                 | min   | median | 90%ile | 95%ile | max   | avg   | success | count |
| sandbox.create_sandbox | 0.935 | 0.935  | 0.935  | 0.935  | 0.935 | 0.935 | 100.0%  | 1     |
| total                  | 0.956 | 0.956  | 0.956  | 0.956  | 0.956 | 0.956 | 100.0%  | 1     |
Load duration: 1.08041000366
Full duration: 1.10536003113

* To plot HTML graphics with this data, run:
    rally task report 41dd9197-6c74-4b74-a081-58b866b40de0 --out output.html

* To generate a JUnit report, run:
    rally task report 41dd9197-6c74-4b74-a081-58b866b40de0 --junit --out output.xml

* To get raw JSON output of task results, run:
    rally task results 41dd9197-6c74-4b74-a081-58b866b40de0